Weird West Wiki
Golden Ace Icon

Golden Aces of Spades are item found throughout the game that can be used to unlock or level up Perks. In the environment, they emit a faint orange glow. Locations of Golden Aces that appear in the environment are fixed, but those are found in chests and containers are usually spawned randomly. They have high chance to spawn in ornamented chests, silver chests, mound caches-especially those in Treasure Hunt quests. Golden Aces can sometimes be found in rock piles in dead-ends of tunnels, which can be blown up using explosives or Explosive Shells Ability.

Fixed Locations[]

Albright Stead In the basement.
Albright Stead On the night stand of the bedroom.
Albright Stead In the saddle bag of Calamity, which can be acquired through pre-ordering.
Grackle On the second floor of the sheriff office, after the town recovered.
Greenwood Run Found inside a small house within the Stillwaters camp.
Greenwood Run Found in one of the cages in the last part of the tunnels. The ace is covered by straw thus hard to see.
Brush Creek Farm Inside the barn.
Quickbend On the second floor of the bank.
Copper Mountain Quarry Above ground, go past the first entrance into the heavily guarded area, then turn right. It's hidden inside a bush, near the cliff on the West side of the map.
Copper Mountain Quarry Underground, in one of the cages-same place where a captive his held.
Dread Slough On a tree, north side of the camp.
Canker Hung from a tree near the entrance to the ancient temple.