Weird West Wiki
Sheriff Albright and her family built this home with their own hand.

Albright's Stead is a location West of Grackle, and the home of Flora Albright and her family. It consists of a farm house, some fields, and even a relay tower. There is also a cellar under the house that is frequently flooded,[1] and strangely has a lot of raw meat, an ice box, a cleaver, and human skulls and bones. Sometimes, there are a few animals such as coyotes, snakes, and cows around the farm.

Associated Quests[]

Notable Loots[]

  • Nimp Relic in the grated well. Stand close to the well and crouch grab it.
  • Golden Ace of Spades in the flooded cellar.
  • Golden Ace of Spades on the night stand of the bedroom.
  • As a pre-order bonus, Jane's horse can be claimed here. There is also another Golden Ace of Spades inside the horse's saddlebag.


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This article or section contains spoilers. If you have not completed the game, it is recommended that you read at your own risk or not at all.
  • Despite having a relay tower, Albright Stead doesn't have any relay machine.
  • There are many clues that foreshadow the Albrights' secret:
    • The cellar frequently being flooded and the fact that it has raw meat and human skeletons.
    • A strange letter in the mailbox.
    • A book about hunting Sirens.
  • For some reason, after the first journey, Albright's Stead has two mailboxes.
  • After Flora retired, she put her sheriff hat on the farm's scarecrow.


